The Rise of AI – Episode 1: A Panel Discussion

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Presented by:

Lillian Harding, Assistant Professor, Business
Susan Robbins, Associate Professor, Business
Brian Underwood, Professor, English and Communications
Darlene Mosley, Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences
Kristen Regan, Professor, Visual Arts

Credit Type:

Building 4, Room 401

This panel discussion offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable perspectives, exchange ideas, and envision the future of higher education in the AI era. Join your faculty peers as we embark on a quest to understand how AI is currently impacting various academic disciplines and processes. Fellow educators who are currently using AI in their disciplines and/or teaching will serve as panelist. Together, we will explore the transformative potential of AI across academia and its implications for the future of learning, scholarship, and innovation. There will be opportunities for Q&A.