Burn-out: It’s Not just You, It’s Everyone and Everything. And You Should Talk About It

$0.00 / unit

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Presented by:
Thomas Jonte, Faculty Librarian
Credit Type: LOI

Building 4, Room 474
Registration is limited to 25

The last three years have left us feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. This “burnt-out” feeling is common among so many, and we may feel like our work, home, and social lives are less fulfilling. Addressing these feelings of burnout is terrifying and scary, but speaking more openly about burnout, the causes, and possible solutions creates a better work environment with less fear of feeling weak, cause for reprimand or hostility, or hesitancy and feelings of unease addressing the issue. This workshop will aim to identify clear, achievable, and practical methods for addressing burnout for yourself and in your home and workplace.