Tai Chi for Health with Renshi Tori Oaks (Spring 2025)
$60.00 / unit
Tai Chi for Health with 'Renshi' Tori Oaks
Experience many health benefits from Tai Chi and Chi Kung exercises. Soothing, energizing movements induce physical and mental relaxation, self-awareness, energy and longevity. Develop flexibility, balance, strength, coordination, skeletal alignment and increased organ function. Improve cardio fitness through deep, even breathing for the maximum intake of oxygen. Emphasizes proper posture, breathing and fluid movement. Classes are 1 hours long (10 hours).
Class format: Chi Kung, Tai Chi Movement, Chair Stretch, Chi Tap and Energy Wash
Instructor: "Renshi" Tori Oaks
Date and Location:
Wednesdays from Feb 26, 2025, through May 7, 2025, at (1:15 pm - 2:15 pm) - No Class the week of March 19th - Spring Break
Location: Pensacola State Main Campus, Bldg.98